bisq How to Use a Decentralized Exchange A 50-minute talk and demo delivered remotely for Hackers Congress 2020 Personal Sovereignty Workshop
bisq Bisq: a Decentralized Bitcoin Exchange A 35-minute talk given at the 34th Chaos Computer Congress in Leipzig
bisq Crypto Voices #26: Chris Beams - Bisq DAO & Crypto Exchange A two-part, two-hour interview with the Crypto Voices podcast
bisq Phase Zero: A Plan for Bootstrapping the Bisq DAO A whitepaper detailing the design and rollout of the Bisq DAO and BSQ colored coin.
bisq Live from Hackers Congress 2017 A 15-minute video interview with World Crypto Network on Bisq and the Bisq DAO at Hackers Congress 2017 in Prague
bisq Changelog #269: Bisq, the decentralized Bitcoin exchange A 110-minute interview with the Changelog podcast